Augmented Reality is the technology that increases our physical world with digital knowledge. It is displayed on a tablet of superimposed computer-generated images, so that you change the perspective of what you see before you.
The sensory data superimposed could be positive or detrimental (that is, improving/adding to the natural environment) but the aim is to smoothly merge digitals and physics.
How Ecommerce Businesses Are Using Augmented Reality
AR helps e-commerce consumers, before making an order, to sample their goods or experience their offerings in their own atmosphere and at their own time. With the aid of AR, the consumers will sample products and select the best one for the first time.
Here are the four major ways e-commerce stores use Augmented Reality today.
1. Social media filters
If you’ve been using Snapchat or Instagram Stories lately, you’ve probably used an AR filter. These filters were once used ‘just for fun’, but over the years there has been a rise in the number of brands who are jumping on the AR bandwagon.
3. Virtual try-on solutions
AR helps online shoppers understand what they’re buying and how precisely items from clothing to cosmetics will work for them. Virtual try-on allows them to see how the item will look before adding it to the shopping cart.
2. Preview placement
Buying the wrong item is quite common in ecommerce because the customer can’t physically handle the product. For example, the shopper might buy a sofa set and later realize that it just doesn’t look good with the rest of the décor. That’s where preview placement can help. It gives customers a real-time glimpse of what the product will look like when placed in their environment.
4. Interactive user manuals
An interactive user manual responds to user actions, providing on-page contextual support when using a software, website, or application. It brands to automate customer support and onboarding and provide more autonomy to the consumer when using a new platform for the first time. Many AR user manual apps scan the product and indicate the buttons in the real-life environment using graphical arrows and animations with text.