CDAP - Canada Digital Adoption Program

The Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) is a $4B grant program to support Canadian businesses in their digital transformation journey by receiving a CDAP grant up to $15,000, Interest free loan for 5 year up to $100,000 and other financial benefits. The CDAP grant provides access to the guidance and expertise of a CDAP digital advisor to help your business navigate the CDAP program and adopt a transformative digital strategy and solutions to accelerate and propel your business growth in the digital era.

Talk to a Digital Advisor

Talk to digital advisor to take the fast track to digital adoption in Canada. Find out, are you eligible for the $15K CDAP grant and Interest free loan for 5 years up to $100,000?

Check grant eligibility

CDAP offers two CDAP grants.
Workstream 1: Grow Your Business Online ($2.4K grant)
Workstream 2: Boost Your Business Technology ($15K grant).

Already approved? Talk to a CDAP Advisor Today

The next step is pairing you with a right Digital Advisor that is a “business fit” for your digital adoption goals.

Schedule Call with Digital Advisor

Phase 1 – Gap Analysis & Digital Adoption Planning


Knowledge Session

We help you by understanding your business first. We understand that each business is unique, and therefore, face equally unique challenges. Through a deeper understanding of your business, we would be able to recommend solutions that tackle the challenges you face.


Let us be your guide in navigating the way through applying, processing, and ultimately, receiving the grant for your business.

Gap Analysis

We will prepare a Digital Audit that will showcase all your current business efforts and gaps.

Digital Adoption Plan

All of our efforts will result in a customized Digital Adoption Plan made just for your business. The Digital Adoption Plan (DAP) will be your reference in transforming and digitizing your business.

Pain Points

We will use DAP to work on the pain points that we have identified together.


Finally, we will give our recommendations to complete the digital transformation.

Phase 2 – Digital Adoption – Execution and Delivery


Continuous Improvement Consultations

Step 1 in our Agile Project Management strategy, the consultations will be a regular effort to optimize our solutions that would fit your business needs.

Project Planning

You will have a dedicated Project Manager and a trackable dashboard of all the projects that will be worked on in parallel.

Solution Design

Our specialized teams will work together to design solutions to complete your digital transformation.

Project Execution

Multiple streams of projects will be developed simultaneously. On-time delivery assurance is something we pride ourselves on.

User Testing and Training

Our solutions developers will work with you to get you comfortable with using the solutions that we craft for you.

Project Feedback and Recommendations

A feedback and recommendation system in place will guarantee that we continually optimize our solutions and/or find better ways to bridge the gap in your business.

Next Iteration Planning

In the last step of our Agile Project Management strategy, we will plan for the next iteration of solution development and delivery.

Canada Digital Adoption Program

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